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Enterprise Security
The need for enterprise security has become more apparent with each attack, and the eclectic range of businesses that fall into the clutches of criminals — from small businesses without rigorous security to virtual powerhouses like eBay — demonstrates that in our world nobody is impervious to an attack. Still, company administrators across industries are known to treat virtual security with a peculiar lack of urgency, due largely to the fact that malware threats aren’t “visible” like, say, a new addition to the company’s office space would be. It is only when a business is attacked that administrators realize firsthand just how imperative the need for robust security is. Here are a few reasons for firming up company defenses that should inspire even the most frugal enterprise to consider the value of an investment in business identity protection: To call cybercrime a network is in no way an exaggeration. As ZDNet reported, the degree of power and profits reaped (around $400 billion annually) by cybercriminals makes virtualized crime an industry of massive proportions.
Business alignment, Assesment, Architecture, Delivery, Automation, Steady state, Managed services, Monitoring, Project management, Staff augmentation, Cloud computing, Cloud integration, Cloud migrations, Cloud monitoring, Hybrid cloud implementations, Cloud hosting, Cloud storage, Software defined Datacenters, Network virtualization, Storage Virtualization, Server virtualization, End point virtualization
Public Cloud Partners:
AWS, Google, vCloudAir, Azure, Soft Layer, Rack Space, 1&1, Ubiquity.
Private Cloud Technology Partners:
Vmware, Microsoft, Citrix, RedHat, Nutanix, Cisco
Infrastructure Automation Tools:
Cisco UCS director, Cisco ACI, VMware vRealize Suite (VRA, VRB, VRO, VROPS).
DR / BC Partners:
AWS, Google, vCloudAir, Azure, Soft Layer, Rack Space, 1&1, Ubiquity.
Hardware Platforms:
Cisco UCS, Nutanix, HP, Dell, IBM, EMC, NetApp, XioTech
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